jsp 버전...

카테고리 없음 2013. 12. 13. 11:08

JSP is a Java technology that aims at helping developers to dynamically generate web pages that are based on HTML, XML or any different types of documents. The first stable version of JSP specification was JSP 1.2 and then JSP 2.0, JSP 2.1 got released. Now the latest version of JSP is JSP 2.2 specification.

This new version of JSP namely JSP 2.2 is a maintenance release of JSR 245. Earlier JSP 2.1 was released under the specification JSR 245 as part of the Java EE 5. For this JSP 2.1, a maintenance release called JSP 2.2 is released on 10th December 2009. This is the latest release of JSP.

Though JSP 2.2 is the latest version update of JSP specification, the JSP 2.1 is the widely used and highly recognized version of JSP. JSP 2.1 is equipped with an Expression Language that gives scope for developers for the velocity style template creation. JSP 2.1 has many other enhancements and bug fixes when compared to JSP 2.0 and other earlier versions. 


위에 글을 보고 java 버전과 jsp가 상관이 있는가 싶었는데...

아래 글을 보니 web.xml에서 편집하는 거에 따라서 달라지는 가보다..

복사하니 깨지네 아래가 원문



Can you tell me how to know which servlet and JSP version I am using ? I use NetBeans IDE 7.1.2 for creating Servlets and JSP.

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That should be specified in your web.xml file. –  JB Nizet Jun 30 at 7:31
The IDE doesn't have anything to do with the JSP and Servlet version of your application. That's declared in the web.xml. –  Luiggi Mendoza Jun 30 at 7:32
Check the declarations in your xml files. Also, if you can, check the jars in the classpath of your project. –  acdcjunior Jun 30 at 7:32
@acdcjunior the jars are not the best reference here, since a web application server could handle more than one version of servlets thus accepting wars that use old servlet versions. –  Luiggi Mendoza Jun 30 at 7:35
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You can get the details programatically using ServletContext #getMajorVersion() and #getMinorVersion().

For knowing the JSP version corresponding to the Servlet, you can get details from this Tomcat page

Below is the summary,

Servlet 2.5 uses JSP 2.1 
Servlet 2.4 uses JSP 2.0 
Servlet 2.3 uses JSP 1.2 
Servlet 2.2 uses JSP 1.1 
Servlet 2.1 uses JSP 1.0
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This only returns the max version as supported by the servletcontainer. This doesn't return the version currently used by the running webapp. This is dictated by web.xml. –  BalusC Jun 30 at 17:15
@BalusC Thank you BalusC.. You are always "The One" guy.. –  Vikas V Jun 30 at 17:58
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The version is declared in the web.xml file - compare http://wiki.metawerx.net/wiki/Web.xml

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You can easily check the JSP,SERVER and SERVLET version. Add the following code in your jsp page after that run using any IDE Tools.

Server Version: <%= application.getServerInfo() %><br> Servlet Version: <%= application.getMajorVersion() %>.<%= application.getMinorVersion() %> JSP Version: <%= JspFactory.getDefaultFactory().getEngineInfo().getSpecificationVersion() %> <br>

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I got it. According to Vikas V ,I am using Servlet 2.3 uses JSP 1.2 version

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Posted by Engineer135